Please select your membership choice below. This will take you pay-pal to fill in your details and finalise payment.
NOTE: there is a surcharge of £2 for online payments to cover costs and posting of your membership.
Use the drop down options below to select your chosen membership which displays the price as well.
then choose your payment method; paypal or credit/debit card.
NOTE: You MUST supply your full name and address to allow us to post your membership to you!
failure to do so will result in your membership being void and your payment being refunded!
If you are buying on behalf of someone else please supply their name and address! Not yours!
Print out or photograph your receipt as proof of membership until we get your membership card posted to you. Please be patient with us; this is a new system for us and there may be some hiccups along the way. if you have ANY issues then use the contact us page to raise it with us and we will resolve it as soon as we are able.
NOTE: if you cannot access paypal or do not wish to use it then please use the contact us page and we will help you purchase your membership.
Membership tickets will take a week or two to arrive! in the meantime please use your proof of purchase
if you struggle with Paypal or cannot use it etc then please contact the club via the CONTACT US page. Please be aware we might not bne able to get back to you immediately but we will do our best to respond within 24 hours.
Adult membership

Family Membership

Partners Membership

Senior Membership
Junior Membership

Junior Accompanied Membership